Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund
The Workers’ Educational Association Translated from Swedish
ABF is a politically independent organization that is involved in advocating for the working class through providing informal education for migrants and other populations.
“Creating a Modern Equivalent of the Original Hull House”
Micaela Beltran Interfaith Service Doyle Symposium at Georgetown University 22 April 2015
This piece outlines what Jane Addams set out to do by bringing the settlement house movement to the United States through the Hull House. Beltran suggests that the Greater Georgetown community could benefit from a settlement house established to tend to the specific needs of that area.
“Geddes at Hull House.”
Author unknown Chicago Tribune 1 April 1899
Though the article is quite short, it proves that Addams had a profound global impact. Patrick Geddes traveled from Edinburgh, Scotland to see what type of work the Hull House was doing and how they were doing it.
“Set up Hull Houses for 2013.”
Jay Pinzino & Jay Readey Chicago Tribune 20 Nov. 2013
This piece describes how the strategies and services detailed in Addams’ memoir, Twenty Years at Hull House from 1910 can be used to address the social issues of today’s Chicago.
“Juvenile Justice System Stems from 1899 Illinois Law”
Alexandra Wilding Capital News Service 1 June 2011
This article describes how an Illinois law from 1899 still impacts the way our government works today. The law was sponsored by Hull House and became the foundation for the Juvenile Justice System today.
Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Feminist Ethics
Maurice Hamington Champaign: University of Illinois Press 2004
This book describes and proves how the body is an integral part to caretaking and receiving care. Along the way, Hamington describes how Jane Addams’ social activism and philosophy laid the foundation for today’s care ethics.
About Hull House Museum
The ‘About’ page of the Hull House Museum website describes how the museum stands as a memorial to Jane Addams and the work she did as a social reformer. The museum actively works to preserve the Hull House.
About Us: Heartland Alliance
This organization is still functioning today as an anti-poverty organization helping families and individuals in the United States and abroad. Heartland Alliance provides health, housing, jobs and justice services.
Inbaze Translated from Czech
Inbaze that provides immigrant families with a safe space learn about their new home (the Czech Republic) by offering consulting and assistance on social/legal services, and psychotherapy; creating community activities to celebrate families, inform individuals, and educate children; and by guiding a family through the process of getting formal education for the children.
Breaking the Poverty Cycle: Early Child Development and Parents’ Employment – Katymar
This link displays a video, description, and hyperlink to a case study about an impoverished community in Southern Hungary that recently implemented a child center that offered child care, early education, family support, etc. as well as a Social Land program created to better the economy and provide jobs in order to combat poverty and long-term unemployment.
Social enterprises for integration and development – Place de Bleu
This link displays a video, description, and hyperlink to a case study about an interior design company in Denmark called Place de Bleu that trains and employs immigrant women in producing home interior and accessories. The company that started Place de Bleu, Qaravane, strives to provide employment to immigrant women in Denmark and improves the lives of their families through offering them jobs and incorporating the background of each woman in the colors and designs of the products.
Models for Change
Julie L. Biehl Jane Addams Symposium in Chicago 16 Sept 2010
In this keynote, Biehl makes a clear connection between how the government treated children before the Progressive Era and how the government treats children now.
Hull House
New World Encyclopedia
In the section titled “Political Influence”, this encyclopedia entry outlines the extent the Hull House made an impact both locally and globally. Locally, the Hull House helped establish playgrounds, better education, political reforms, investigated housing, and working and sanitation advocacy. Municipally, the nation’s first juvenile court was created. On a federal level, Hull House members worked with the network of settlement houses in the United States and helped achieve items such as women’s suffrage, unemployment compensation, and worker’s compensation.
Jane Addams (1860-1935): Social worker and Peace Builder
James D. Allen International Online Journal
This biography details how Jane Addams’ mission and methods live on today in social work, social justice, social/political systems, and advocacy in general.
Jane Addams
Maurice Hamington Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 7 June 2006
This biography is mostly comprised of information that could be found in other biographies until the last paragraph of the introduction, which explains that Addams’ values and methods are today called ‘care ethics.’
Settlement Houses: Old Idea in New Form Builds Communities
Barbara Trainin Blank The New Social Worker Summer 1998
This article details how the initial formation of settlement houses in the United States is still impacting the way we deliver social services and programs today. Though new issues have arisen since the initial development of the settlement house movement in the late 1800s, the original principals, values, and methods of houses like the Hull House are still very useful and effective today.
Innovation House Program
Inspired in part by the settlement house model, the program is an example of how young individuals can impact communities today.
From Charitable Volunteers to Architects of Social Welfare: A Brief History of Social Work
Nili Tannenbaum and Michael Reisch Ongoing Magazine Fall 2001
This article covers the history of social work from its inception in religious institutions to its current place in the world in the 21st century an Jane Addams’ and the Hull House’s pivot towards the professionalism of social work.
Harrington: The Legacy of Jane Addams
Margaret Harrington Vermont Digger 31 Dec 2013
A brief overview of Addams’ lasting accomplishments including the Jane Addams Peace Association, the Hull House, kindergarten, and labor unions.
List of Active Settlement Houses
A list of the active settlement houses in England, Australia, Canada, and the United States, including Chicago’s Association House of Chicago, Benton House, Chicago Commons and Northwestern University Settlement House.
What we do: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
This webpage details the international work that has continued since WILF was established in 1915. This work is centered around bringing “together women from around the world who are united in working for peace by non-violent means and promoting political, economic and social justice for all.”
History: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
This webpage gives the history of the Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom.
The Origins of the Juvenile Justice System in America
Alden Long World Socialist Website 11 Nov 1999
The article describes the work Jane Addams did as a leading advocate for children leading to the enactment the Juvenile Court Act in 1899.
The History of Child Labor in the United States: Hammer v. Dagenhart
Sharron Solomon-McCarthy Yale–New Haven Teachers Institute 2004
This article explains that the first major step in child labor reform began with the organized group formed by Hull House resident Florence Kelley in 1904.